ATTRACTIONRegardless of the way in which we identify candidates, they need to be attracted.
At the heart of the value we add is our ability to sell the job strongly to the best candidate and convey our enthusiasm of the client's firm.
The best people alway have choices; we are competing for their interest. The first approach and all subsequent discussions with potential candidates are always made by the Senior Consultant who has been fully briefed by the client. We do not use junior researchers for this purpose.
SELECTIONOur primary aim in the selection process is not only to assess their specific credentials but also their cultural and personality fit with our clients. In many cases we also have the specialist expertise to benchmark the level of a candidates technical skills against their peer group. This involves a carefully structured interview, exploring motivations and identifying hard evidence to support claimed achievements. For some positions, particularly when an appointment will involve a significant career change for the chosen candidate, we may recommend a professional psychological assessment.
To avoid conflicts of interest, we do not conduct these in-house.
We can recommend independent occupational psychologists whom we have thoroughly vetted and over whom we exercise quality control.
Maximise the potential of your team today, with our advise on attracting, engaging and developing top talent.
J & G Search and SelectionLevel 21, 345 Queen Street, Brisbane, Qld, 4000
ABN: 39 160 972 056
Telephone: 0458 034 055Email: