IDENTIFICATIONWe draw upon four key search techniques to identify the widest range of potential candidates. Each is applied internationally where necessary.
RESEARCHThrough a combination of current industry knowledge and further research we seek to identify as many people as possible who have appropriate experience and qualifications.
SOURCINGWe network comprehensively among the colleagues, clients, suppliers and competitors of our targets candidates. As well as adding new names to our list of potential candidates, this helps us to build a clearer picture of the experience and abilities of those identified by the other means.
ADVERTISINGAn eye catching, well written and correctly placed advertisement will identify further candidates who cannot easily be found by other methods; for example, where the pool of potential candidates is large and diverse, where candidates are seeking to return to Australia from overseas, and where individuals with strong relevant experience from earlier in their careers have now moved into other roles, Our advertisements are concise and attractive.
DATABASEWe have been senior recruiters in the listed specialist fields for many years. In these specific areas we maintain an extensive database of potential candidates.
J & G Search and SelectionLevel 21, 345 Queen Street, Brisbane, Qld, 4000
ABN: 39 160 972 056
Telephone: 0458 034 055Email: apply@jandg.net.au